Have you ever wonder why your phone charges at the best condition when you are using the charger which comes form the packaging?  Have you ever feel frustrated? Then ask yourself why your phone was not yet fully charge despite the fact that you have plugged in your phone all night long.  Have you ever said to yourself why on earth your phone gets hot while charging?

 Well, these questions can be answered since devices differs in their charging circuitry.

 For example, you can think of it as a handshake. Another example would be the device iPad which requires 2.4 amps, the Galaxy Note series which require 2 amps, while iPhones require 1 amp and etc. These devices have different power profile especially when it comes to their charging capacity. 

 Universal chargers, as what they called it, work with any device but they are not made to provide enough or safe charge to any device. 

 Picking the charger with right charging circuitry is not just about avoiding frustrations but it is more about preventing the occurrence of any problem in the future. Both excessive and low voltage cause problems.  Some of the problems that will likely to occur would be poor charging efficiency and wasted energy, excessive heating on the device, it would take long time to charge the device, and even shorten the battery life of your device.

 Based from the presented problems what would be the solutions just to make sure that you are picking the right charger for your device?  Thus, you must make sure to follow these tips. 

 The first thing you must do would be to use the original charger of the device.  Thus, ,the Lightning Bolt Charger that come with the packaging the moment you purchase the device has a purpose. It is because each device has its own power requirement and has unique relationship with the charger to ensure safety and proper charging. 

 Second on the line is to check if the device is optimized for various type of charges.  The devices are quite different from each other brand to brand, so the charger of an iPhone will not give the same charging capacity to an Android phone. Visit this link to learn more: mcdodotech.com.

Third is to use voltage or surge protectors when charging devices.  Even though our phones are one of the most sophisticated technology as of now, the charger values cheaper than before. Mostly, they do not offer any over-current and over-voltage protection, or even power specification to make sure those expensive electronic investments are being protected.  Without short-circuit or over-voltage protection, the charger will overheat thus causing damage to the device itself.

 Then, you must take heed all these tips in choosing the right charger for your device. Read more info about charging devices here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Inductive_charging.